
Our work in Philippines

ACF has an extensive experience implementing various projects specially in food security and livelihood, water and sanitation, nutrition and disaster risk reduction and good governance sectors. ACF projects directly support the displaced and affected population and the host communities, while mainstreaming cross-cutting issues, such as gender, children, environment, disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, and cultural sensitivity.

Nutrition & Care Practices

•         Conduct of nutrition surveys (e.g. SMART)

•         Implementation of Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM) 

•         Local health structure strengthening through conduct of trainings on detection and treatment of acute malnutrition and community mobilization

•         Establishment of out- and in-patient referral system for the management of severe acute malnutrition cases

•         Prevention of malnutrition through counselling on Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF), Essential Nutrition Actions (ENA), Promotion of Good Nutrition (PGN), Positive Deviance (PD) Hearth and Care Practices

•         Continued coordination with nutrition cluster at all levels and other relevant stakeholders

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

•         Construction and rehabilitation of permanent and non-permanent water and sanitation facilities among communities and schools

•         Hygiene and sanitation promotion and training among responsibility holders, community members and school children

•         Creation and capacity building of WASH committees

•         Promotion of, training on, and support to environmental sanitation and Disaster Prevention

•         Support to integration of WASH in elementary education

•         Support to integration and mainstreaming of WASH and disaster risk reduction into local government development plans

•         Desludging

•         Water trucking

•         Distribution of hygiene and water kits

•         Support to WASH cluster in information management

Food Security & Livelihood (FSL)

•         Distribution of agricultural production inputs such as fertilizers, seeds, livestock and other resources

•         Diversification of farming and production methods and technologies

•         Training on sustainable agriculture technologies, including organic farming

•         Support in terms of production inputs for fishing and mariculture

•         Support in post-harvest and market access for small farmers and fisherfolk

•         Support and develop people’s organizations or community organizations to act as sustainability structures for development initiatives

•         Support to develop social enterprises by people in the communities, including self-help groups

•         Support for displaced families through provision of food kits and non-food items or through cash transfers

Cash Transfers

•         Application and replication of experiences in cash transfer interventions during emergency situations in the Philippines

•         Participation in promoting among the humanitarian community in the Philippines (including UN agencies, international and local NGOs, the Red Cross movement, national and regional government agencies, the private sector) cash transfer programming (CTP) as a viable approach in delivering assistance in emergencies and development context

•         Creation, with support from the Cash Learning Programme, of a platform for information exchange between CTP practitioners through the Cash Working Group and Cash Learning Group

Disaster Risk Reduction

•        Conduct orientations on the Disaster Risk Management Law and Framework with local government units and municipal and barangay disaster risk reduction and management council members

•        Creation/reconstitution of disaster risk reduction and management councils at the municipal and barangay levels

•        Training on participatory capacity and vulnerability assessment (PCVA) and community mapping, and conduct of actual PCVA with municipal and barangay disaster risk reduction and management council members

•        Review of existing municipal and barangay development plans and development of inclusive community based disaster risk reduction plans at municipal level

•        Construction of small scale infrastructure/service to create awareness on DRR

•        Capacity building with Department of Education and other stakeholders for integration of DRR in the public curriculum

•        Information dissemination/awareness campaigns on best practices through development of information, education and communication (IEC) materials and emergency drills in schools and communities

Good Governance

•         Information sessions on government responsibilities, obligations and procedures for community leaders and stakeholders

•         Information sessions on relevant legal and development issues in all barangays

•         Assistance to government departments in the creation of policies based on realities at local communities

•         Facilitating participatory reviews of barangay development plans


•         Promotion of nutrition security, including cross-cutting issues, such as disaster risk reduction, environment, gender, through awareness raising and media communication

•         Support for the development of national guidelines for the Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM) and inclusion at all levels in health services and skills packages for health workers

•         Support for the development and implementation of policies related to nutrition security at all levels

•         Training on advocacy, including negotiation and lobbying skills, for community leaders and advocacy partners

•         Support to technical teams in mobilizing communities and partners for advocacy

•         Support for the development and/or management of a national advocacy network on nutrition security
