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Jana’s young girls – Arsal – Lebanon


A Journey of Hope & Resilience: Lebanese Mother Finds Hope and Support amid Crisis

In the face of the ongoing economic crisis and the severe deterioration of the Lebanese currency, the people of Arsal have been grappling with immense challenges. Among them is Jana (alias name), a resilient Lebanese woman and mother of two young girls, aged 9 months and 2 years old and her husband who works daily jobs to try to secure enough income to support his family’s needs.

The economic crisis has greatly affected the purchasing power of families like Jana's, making it even more difficult for them to provide for their basic needs. As the local currency continued to depreciate and subsidies lifted, essential items such as food, medicine, and baby supplies became increasingly unaffordable.

Jana’s House
Jana’s House – Arsal – Lebanon. (Rita Wehbeh/Action Against Hunger)

“I am very grateful for the support I received, and the essential aid provided.” says Jana. Alongside hygiene kits, nutrition kits, the comprehensive cash assistance program; the organization's intervention funded by the Lebanon Humanitarian Fund (LHF), stands like a ray of light into the lives of families facing dire circumstances. She emphasized the significance of the cash assistance, which enabled her to bridge the gap between limited resources and urgent needs. By utilizing the assistance to purchase essential medicines and ensuring adequate nutrition for her daughters, Jana was able to ease the immediate health and food concerns that troubled her family.

In addition to addressing urgent needs, Action Against Hunger's approach extended to empowering caregivers with knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the challenges imposed by the crisis. Through comprehensive awareness sessions on nutrition and child development, Jana gained critical insights and practical information that transformed her caregiving practices. Equipped with this newfound knowledge and financial means, she was able to make informed decisions regarding her daughters' well-being, especially when it came to their nutrition.

Jana’s youngest child
Jana’s youngest child – Arsal – Lebanon. (Rita Wehbeh/ Action Against Hunger)

The impact of the economic crisis was particularly distinct in Jana’s youngest daughter, who struggled with recurring heart problems. The escalating costs of medical treatments posed immense challenges for Jana. Jana's resilience and determination were evident in her day-to-day routine. She dedicated herself entirely to her daughters, spending long hours at home, tending to their needs, and ensuring a safe environment for their growth

Jana’s older child
Jana’s older child – Arsal – Lebanon. (Rita Wehbeh/ Action Against Hunger)

She strategically arranged her activities to minimize her youngest daughter's exposure to potential health risks, cooking outside and keeping cleaning schedules away from her daughter’s presence.

The impact of the intervention went beyond Jana's immediate family. Inspired by the organization's support and motivated by her own experiences, she took it upon herself to share the valuable knowledge she had acquired with her extended family and friends. By spreading awareness about nutrition, child development, and early detection of health issues, Jana became an agent of change, positively influencing the lives of others within her community.

Amidst the hardships faced by families in Arsal, Action Against Hunger remains dedicated to its mission of combating hunger, malnutrition, and improving overall well-being.

Jana’s young girls

Jana’s young girls – Arsal – Lebanon. (Rita Wehbeh/Action Against Hunger)

This project “Improving access to urgent basic needs of highly vulnerable 5,339 Lebanese, 10.041 Syrian, and 300 Palestinian individuals in Baalbak Hermel and Rachaya through a comprehensive package tackling food security, nutrition and wash needs.” is funded by the Lebanon Humanitarian Fund (LHF), implemented by Action Against Hunger in Lebanon.

The impact of the economic crisis was particularly distinct in Jana’s youngest daughter, who struggled with recurring heart problems. The escalating costs of medical treatments posed immense challenges for Jana.

Jana's resilience and determination were evident in her day-to-day routine. She dedicated herself entirely to her daughters, spending long hours at home, tending to their needs, and ensuring a safe environment for their growth

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