Lebanon alert: impact of Gaza conflict leaves thousands displaced and food shortages


Lebanon alert: impact of Gaza conflict leaves thousands displaced and food shortages

The regional expansion of the Gaza conflict is having a devastating impact on Lebanon, where thousands of families, especially in the south of the country, have left their homes fleeing the violence, and the number of destroyed agricultural lands is steadily increasing. According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), more than 92,600 people have been displaced by the violence in Lebanon as of mid-April.

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Humanitarian agencies issue a fervent plea for the cessation of hostilities in Southern Lebanon as growing humanitarian needs are further exacerbated


Humanitarian agencies issue a fervent plea for the cessation of hostilities in Southern Lebanon as growing humanitarian needs are further exacerbated

Humanitarian agencies issue a fervent plea for the cessation of hostilities in Southern Lebanon as growing humanitarian needs are further exacerbated

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Leave no one behind: NGOs call on the international community to address increasing needs in Lebanon


Leave no one behind: NGOs call on the international community to address increasing needs in Lebanon

As the Syrian crisis enters its 13th year and the 7th Brussels Conference in support of Syria and the region approaches, Lebanon Humanitarian and Development NGOs Forum (LHDF), Working Group for People Affected by the Syrian Crisis (PASC), and Lebanon Humanitarian INGO Forum (LHIF) members call for sustained support from the European Union, Member States, and other donors to those in need in Lebanon.

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A school principal explains how a Health and Hygiene intervention from Action Against Hunger saved a lebanese school


A school principal explains how a Health and Hygiene intervention from Action Against Hunger saved a lebanese school

“In light of the economic situation in Lebanon and the school’s inability to withdraw its money from the bank; and the priority and urgency to give the teachers and employees their salaries, the school was unable to purchase cleaning materials.” explained Rima the principal of a public school in Bissariye, South Lebanon. Action Against Hunger implemented “The Integrated Health and WASH to Reduce COVID-19 Impact in Overcrowded Settings”. The project funded From the American People, aimed to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 by expanding Health and WASH activities into urban and peri-urban settings, in the Bekaa, Baalbek Hermel, and South Lebanon Governorates. The project improved COVID-19 preparedness by enhancing preventive practices, facilitating isolation for positive or suspected cases, and ensuring an integrated approach to prevention in public schools and overcrowded settings.

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Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance, a respite for Layla’s family


Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance, a respite for Layla’s family

Layla, a 31-year-old woman who is pregnant and a Syrian refugee, welcomes us into a small apartment where she lives with her husband and their 3-year-old daughter. Her husband’s parents and his brother with his wife and their children also live with them. The apartment, in the heart of Khandak el-Ghamik, one of the poorest neighborhoods in Beirut, has a dark entrance, a small kitchen, a bathroom and two rooms is the space where they live.

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Issam and His Elderly Parents Trying to survive the multiple crises in Lebanon


Issam and His Elderly Parents Trying to survive the multiple crises in Lebanon

This family was experiencing such a difficult socioeconomic circumstance, particularly in light of the price inflation rates and several lockdowns that took place during the pandemic. Regarding their living conditions before being contacted by the Action Against Hunger team to complete the vulnerable assessment, Issam talks about that period by saying: “A team from Action Against Hunger visited me at home to assess my situation and provide me with the needed support”.

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